Liver Cleanse featuring Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is one of the most important nutrients required for optimal health. It is the basic building block of the membranes of every cell in the body. Without PC, cells age faster and do not function at their best, affecting many aspects of our health.
Phosphatidylcholine is found in nuts, seeds, dandelion greens, and egg yolks: foods we consume too little of to get an optimal intake of PC. Therefore, most adults do not obtain enough of this valuable nutrient through diet alone. Research shows that supplemental phosphatidylcholine, which is derived from lecithin, is highly bioavailable, as it is nearly 90% absorbed by the body. Enzymes from the pancreas easily breakdown phosphatidylcholine into free fatty acids that are absorbed by the cells of the intestine, making supplemental phosphatidylcholine an easy way to increase PC in the body.
The Liver Nutrient*
Phosphatidylcholine is the single most important nutrient for promoting liver health, assisting with nutrient assimilation, hormone balancing, and toxin elimination. PC helps to protect the liver against the toxins it may encounter from alcohol, pollutants, viruses, medications, mushroom poisoning, and radiation treatment.